As I do not take durian (rare for local person), I forbid any durian fruits in the house. Besides I can't stand the 街路边 durians. 爸爸 recommend 葫芦 durian as the first ones for the children as it taste sweeter and not so bitter. 红虾 durian have a bitter aftertaste according to 爸爸, the durian eater in the house.
He got one 葫芦 durian from the market, it costs RM14. Super expensive as it's now in the middle of durian season in Penang. Good thing about 打包 home is that the vendor will open the prickly fruit for you and put into a food carton. At least can reject on the spot and don't have to deal with any 虫虫 :)
In the car, even though the pack is closed, we can still smell it from the car boot. Phoey....
This is how the 葫芦 durian looks before eating.

姐姐 having her first durian. 蹲 at the balcony as I can't stand the smell at home. She quite like it and finished one seed by herself.

弟弟's expression after a small bite. He say, " Euk, it's yucky" and nearly vomit. He "drove" away quickly on his toy car. Well, durian eating is an acquired taste and we laughed over his reaction.
Next time buy another good one for him to try .... Hahaha