Opening hours are a bit different, they are closed on Monday and Tuesday. Open from Wed to Sun instead in 2 sessions, and we've only been to afternoon session after 2pm.
姐姐 manage to borrow a few Bahasa Malaysia story books for her NILAM holiday homework after playing. 弟弟 also found a few story books, his current fave is about tippers. I heard from other moms that we need to scour rack by rack to find the books we might be interested in.

后记: During the 2nd visit, a mom at i-Play asked about 姐姐's school and how she is coping. Well, 姐姐 has been very happy at her school and there isn't much homework, only at the most 2 or 3 subjects a day (a few pages only). However that mom seem like still wondering about her own decision to let her child go to Sekolah Kebangsaan - some convent girls' school. I'm not the indecisive type, from long time ago already know that my children have to go to Chinese school, no matter how much homework or stress there is. Where would our children learn Mandarin, Chinese culture, discipline?
The mom says, worried that sending her child to Chinese school and too much school work will stress out her child. And since she is from Chinese school, she feel that her English is not good and want her child to learn English from Kebangsaan school. Sorry, but I wanna laugh... hahaha.... I told her, it depends on how you educate your child, I forgot to tell her learning is through experience, exposure and education. I'm thinking, rather than speak broken English at home, better speak mother tongue. Broken English is really hard to correct especially the child has been learning that since young. Everyone is entitled to make their own choices.
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