我们的吃喝玩乐, 校园记和童年回忆.
Our live, learn, study, play memories.
Sunday, June 8, 2014
Baby Orange's Full Moon!
Baby Orange is 1 month old! He's growing well, 姐姐and 哥哥 are excited to have him back home :)
There were some full moon rituals that i followed at the confinement home, some which I didn't know of during confinement with 姐姐 and 哥哥.
First is getting Baby Orange's hair shaved. Not only that, we got his eye brows shaved too :p 姐姐 did not get her hair shaved somehow. Her hair eventually dropped by 3 or 4 months of age, and it got messy when it's accumulated on her pillow. So after her, 哥哥 got his hair shaved and it's more hygienic for baby, so that the hair doesn't affect the baby. Well, baby's hair is fine and if it got into baby's nostril, it might cause him discomfort and irritation. We follow this local custom more for hygienic purpose.
Before shaving and after shaving, it's a local Chinese custom
This is his before and after photos. Initially he was ok, but as soon as I hold him upright to shave behind his head, he started crying, getting louder and louder until he was screaming. Poor boy, I guess he has had enough of us handling his head by then. I got a video of him here :P
He cried and screamed, but was calmed as soon as he's wrapped up in swaddle.
Then nanny gave him a bottle of EBM :)
Auntie who helped him shave his head also helped to give him a bath and put on baby oil for him on his head. We're supposed to keep his hair in a high place in our home to signify "高". I think auntie meant something like get high position in career and life, something like that :)
The next day is our last day at the confinement center, we are going home! According to those who follow the local Chinese customs, we must bathe in water with 7-coloured flowers (七色花, no white flowers). I think to 'cleanse' ourselves before going home :) This is interesting, bathing in flowers! I got 爸爸 to buy two packs for us, one for Baby Orange and one for me.
Baby Orange's bath with 7-coloured flowers七色花. There's a fruit like lime too (not sure what it's called).
Baby Orange had his bath early in the morning on the day of his full moon. Auntie just dunk the whole pack of flowers into the bath, cut the lime fruit into half and squeezed it into the bath water. It smelt nice! He cried during his bath :P
Smiling in his dream before bath. Then crying during bath with 七色花 :P
Baby Orange's shaved look
In the afternoon it's my turn to take a bath with the 7-coloured flowers (七色花). Kakak prepared the herbal bath for me, and I just dunk everything in the herbal bath water. The lime is really fragrant. I've never bathed in flower water before so this is a new experience :)
The 七色花 in herbal bath
After all the rituals are done, and after dinner, it's time to go home! One of the nannies gave me a Chinese calendar for the day Baby Orange is born for memory sake. It's special! We didn't keep Chinese calendar for the older two children, didn't even thought about it.
Nanny said this is Baby Orange's Chinese "birth cert" :P
Check Baby Orange's weight before I sign out.
He weighed 3.95 kg during his first month checkup the next day. He had put on about 1 kg since birth!
Some photos at confinement center before we go back to our home.
My room at confinement center
A flowering plant outside confinement center, 姐姐 took this photo
With 姐姐
An important milestone, he is breastfed for 1 month!
Ticker from Lilypie :) Dare not put active ticker :P
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