姐姐 promised to be good and walk on her own. Sometimes if we go as family she'd request to be carried - manja. She said "不能走的时候拿 trolley 啦!". I told her I might not be able to handle a big trolley like 爸爸.
We had an enjoyable trip. We had pancakes for lunch and she chose her pancake - crepes with cream cheese and ice-cream, and hot chocolate with marshmallow to drink (ahem, she order from looking at the photos in the menu). She gave her opinion when I try on some blouses - said one of the blouse has funny design 哈哈. She said the adult clothes stores are boring when there isn't any children stuff to see. She helped me reserve a table while I went to order teabreak later at the coffee outlet. No wonder everyone say having a girl is a blessing! Still I wish I didn't stay that long as she was really tired towards the latter part. She dragged me away from the last shop I wanted to go. And she helped to stick the car park ticket into the autopay machine by herself.
She wanted to take a photo with the christmas decorations which she is so fascinated with.

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