爸爸 brought 弟弟 to take off the stitches on Tuesday, and since he has a cough we thought just visit the paed for medication. We thought it's just coughing and phlegm. But doctor says it's more serious than that. So ended up 爸爸 called me to say he's taking 弟弟 for chest x-ray, and will have to stay in the hospital for treatment. I was quite shocked as receive the call during lunchtime.
When I reached the hospital, both father and son are in the 4-bedded room. Wow, nowadays business is so good that 2-bedded room are on waiting list. 弟弟眼泪汪汪的看着我, and want a hug. I ask him: 弟弟,头脱线痛还是bear-bear 手痛? Without a doubt, he say: Bear-bear 手比较痛. I bring him to the playroom to play while wait for 爸爸 to bring 日用品 for us. See he is still in school clothes as we thought just a checkup.
At night I accompany him and here he is getting the vapor treatment. He says the "gas" smells like vanilla and didn't resist it. After that is the physiotherapy 拍痰. He kind of enjoyed it as we tell him nurse help him massage.
During the night, as he was sleepy, he resisted a little when taking medicine. He told me "No!" and turned his head when I tried to feed him medicine at night. After half-threatening to leave the feeding to nurse, he finally agreed to take medicine. The child opposite is crying fervently everytime when it comes to medicine time. The baby next to us is crying even harder.... Luckily all of them on home leave after 11pm :)
Finally 挨 until the next day. He keep thinking only of the playroom....
By 2nd day we just get to go to 2-bed room. Phew, some privacy at last! This time is really a short stay, as I think the milder cases get to go home early. During doctor's visit, he keep asking can the boy take medicine, do we know how to physio. And when doctor ask him, 弟弟 say 我会吃药! And gulped down the medicine just to show doctor and nurse. He'll do anything to go home :)
These photos were taken just before going home, he is a bit cranky as just woken up from nap.
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