Baby Orange's milestone for 3 months! :)
Smiling 3-month Baby Orange :) Can see his hair start to grow back |
Baby Orange laughing over some funny tricks Papa did. This Pigeon baby shirt and pants from Cherry's time. It is still soft and durable after about 10 years. |
A pensive looking Baby Orange |
He is getting more demanding and needs loads of attention. Papa started his extensive and exhaustive travelling from end of June. When he came back from a business trip, Baby Orange didn't seem to recognize him. He looked intently at Papa and cried when Papa carried him. I laughed so much over this as Papa claimed all babies liked him hahaha....
Papa's wefie with Baby Orange, in Baby Cory suit gifted by Cherry from her angpao money |
Baby Orange's weight increased to 5.95 kg for month 3 check-up. He got the second DPT immunization for this check-up. The week of head lice nightmare for the older kids, 哥哥 and I got flu and cough, and I passed it to Baby Orange. So that weekend we took him to his paediatrician. No medicine given as he is still too small for it. Dr Cheang helped to "suck" out the nasal mucus (鼻涕) using a tubing/pump machine. He cried and screamed while getting that treatment. I think he got better in about 1 week without medication. I just tried to breastfeed him as much as possible.
Baby Orange's weight increase for 3 months.
姐姐 and 哥哥 didn't have their weight checked at 3 months at that time, |
He sometimes refused feedings especially when wide awake and during the stuffy nose episode. Sometimes he didn't get a poop everyday by month 3. We informed Dr Cheang when visiting due to Baby Orange's flu and he checked Baby Orange's tummy by pressing. He said if his tummy is still soft it is ok. And I'm to feed him more. Well, it's probably because he got a stuffy nose that's why not so easy to feed.
Baby Orange breastfeeding 3 month milestone ticker! |
EBM freezer storage up to 3 months, started to occupy top shelf. Some storage bags/bottles are of 2 or more pump sessions. |
For memory sake, different pump session might yield different results. One bottle EBM with more foremilk (watery substance) and one with more hindmilk (milk fat). |
He is still wearing the hand-me-downs from Cherry and 哥哥's time. But he doesn't like one-piece babysuits, he doesn't like it buttoned and doesn't like it unbuttoned as the metal buttons poked at his back when he turned in his sleep. He is fussy over these kind of small things. 哥哥 didn't mind those buttons and he wore those babysuits up to 9 months unbuttoned. Cherry put on lots of weight and couldn't wear those suits anymore after 3 months :P
Now he doesn't really know how to play with toys yet. But he kind of gurgles a lot between 2 to 4 months. He likes being wiped down with warm water after coming back home from Porpor's house.
The ever-playful 哥哥 made LINE selfie stickers for Baby Orange. |
How did mommy feel? Well for one, no period returning yet since Baby Orange is still fully breastfeeding. I pump at least once per day whenever Baby Orange goes to por por's house during children's pickups/school runs. Started to get achy left wrist from holding Baby Orange :( Strangely this didn't happen to my right wrist.
And siblings' photos for memory sake. Cherry and 哥哥 during their 3 months. There are some resemblance in certain angles but their facial features looked different to me.
Cherry at 9.5 weeks. Same baby singlet as the one Baby Orange wears. |
Cherry smiling at 9.5 weeks, look at those rolls :P |
Cherry at 3 months :P |
哥哥 at about 10 weeks. Cherry says he looks Thai :P |
哥哥 looks tanned as he used to be "sunned" up to 2 months old :P |
哥哥 at about 3 months |
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