Waiting for Sports Day to start with his class and teacher Jessie

Getting ready to march, look at his Thinking Cap, covering his eyes as usual as he's not used to wearing cap.

Marching around the "field" - it's actually fake grass :) 弟弟 is the one in white sneakers and blue socks.

Queuing up for the Negaraku and school songs performance. Only 6 and 3 years old children have special performance. 弟弟 is always either looking left, right or behind, so difficult to capture his photo here. This year, finally his shorts look like real shorts, which is above his knees. Last year, the shorts look more like hip-hop style bermudas as they were baggy and below his knees.

Watching others' performance

Getting ready for his class game

What's with the cap?

Cheering on his team and waiting for his turn. His game is called "Saving The Water".

Off he goes

And back

Teacher Lee Choo: Those who finish please go to the back!

Cheering for his team after his turn

Enjoying his snack

Keep gesturing to him to drink water, finally teacher Jessie distributed their water bottles and he drank after finish eating bun. The weather's erratic, if it's not super hot, it's raining heavily. Need to be very careful and drink tonnes of water to stay healthy.

We're allowed into the field while parents and children play games. While waiting, parents took the opportunity to snap photos.
Posing with teacher Jessie's class - En-Owens

With 姐姐. They always like to play with the class tag.

Joined in tug-of-war. The big guy in white t-shirt and black shorts is 爸爸.

爸爸 also join the tug-of-war for fathers :) His team won, and got a checked ball as souvenir.

姐姐 bouncing on the netting while waiting for 弟弟's turn to take trophy.

Why you pose like that, 弟弟?Waiting to get participation trophy.

Got it! All the children get one trophy and one goodie bag for participation and being a good sport.

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