They bring back these nifty craft from school. 姐姐 did the flag songkok, and 弟弟 did the kite. 姐姐 reminded me to take her photo, she likes seeing the blog about her and 弟弟 actually. 弟弟 was having a tantrum and didn't want his photo taken. He walked away just as I clicked on the camera thus can still see his hands and feet. (Actually I think he was just taking the chance to throw a tantrum. Both children had been sent to 罚站 at the balcony as they had been quarrelling since waking up this morning. He had been given a couple of smacks on his pet-pet as he destroyed a clip-on thingy on the balcony).
Finally around lunch time he agree to take a photo with 姐姐's songkok while he enjoys noodles with his favourite - prawns.
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