姐姐 is getting better at her handwriting. It’s neat and nice for her age. Both 爸爸 and I are proud of her. She will ask us about spelling of certain words and write them everywhere – in the note books, on pieces of paper, on the drawing board. Here is an example of her work on the drawing board. She likes to write our names too.

Whenever we praised 姐姐, 弟弟 will not be very happy. So when I took a photo of 姐姐’s writing, 弟弟 wants me to take one of his arrangements on the piano bench. He’s getting to be a neat freak selectively – those he arranged cannot be touched but he can make a mess on the floor. **Argh** Same mannerism as 姐姐, only she now understand to clean up or we’d be upset. Terrible two’s are here for弟弟.

Whenever we praised 姐姐, 弟弟 will not be very happy. So when I took a photo of 姐姐’s writing, 弟弟 wants me to take one of his arrangements on the piano bench. He’s getting to be a neat freak selectively – those he arranged cannot be touched but he can make a mess on the floor. **Argh** Same mannerism as 姐姐, only she now understand to clean up or we’d be upset. Terrible two’s are here for弟弟.
One day they are 水火不容, another day they are best friends. See them playing together.
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