A nightmare bout of illness, 姐姐 infected with mycoplasma pneumoniae infection just after she finished school exams :(
Had fever and cough. Suspected dengue fever also, but fortunately tested negative. I think it's because we have Baby Orange, all their babyhood stuff keep flooding in my mind. The episode of her with salmonella infection is still so fresh in my mind, especially at the time when it was still not diagnosed. She was having high fever and practically shook all over from the high temperature at one point. We were so inexperienced then and was given the run-around until we admitted her with her paediatrician's advise.
This time it started small, just a few coughs. Papa being the careless parent as usual didn't think much and he is going to be on business trip the following week. He only got her the usual over-the-counter cough medicine.
Excited about seeing Planes 2 Fire & Rescue after school exams :) It is a pretty good movie for children and we went to GSC Gurney Plaza. It's the only cinema in our area still showing Planes 2 after school holidays, and only 1 timeslot! |
A poster of Planes 2 Fire & Rescue at the cineplex, Penguins in the background (oh well, even though they weren't so interested in Penguins) |
Are these popcorns and cold drink that had caused the illness? Or her immune system weakened by the cold, added fire with the popcorn, and then attacked by the bacteria? |
Prior to that, we were happily celebrating end of school exams with Planes: Fire and Rescue. This animation movie was requested by Didi as it is from the same series as Cars. It's a nice movie, and we even allowed Didi to skip his English class to watch it. Only GSC Gurney Plaza is still showing it after school holidays and at one timeslot only, and it's the last day.
Actually Cherry still have another assessment which is the new History paper. Their teacher this year is really something, initially said there is no exam for mid-year, then spring them surprise exam. This time, we specifically asked and asked because it is not listed in their exam time table. until go to principal baru get the school's assurance they will inform Year 4 students of an official date for exam.
She started having fever at night after the movie and popcorn. On Monday after her school session, I brought her to the usual clinic, and was given fever and cough medication. That night, her fever started getting worse. Especially when she slept, the fever ran higher than normal even after medication. I didn't take measurement, and tried my best to wipe her down with tap water. Thouht her body ran a temperature trying to kill of germs. Imagine huddling over the poor girl and wiping her down on one hand, and scurrying off to comfort and breastfeeding Baby Orange when he woke in the other room. Try doing this all through the night. By midnight, I was totally exhausted with the running around. Her temperature went down and came up again. Every time I check on her, I have to wash my hands before handling Baby Orange. What a nightmare running here and there, tired, sleepy and worried!
The strange thing is she is fine during the day. Only when she started sleeping that her temperature will rise again, even with the normal paracetamol given by clinic doctor. I called Papa and made him come back from his business trip. He tried to downplay it but as the fever is not going away, another pair of hands is needed to take care of Cherry who is sick and the other children who are not. He came back on Wednesday and brought her to emergency clinic at hospital near us. The doctor on duty gave many explanations but nothing conclusive, and asked that she get checked for dengue (so surprised, as even doctors are baffled with dengue). He gave her antibiotics, flu and cough medications. By Thursday night, she is still getting the fever, so we had to visit her good ole' paediatrician. Just by describing her symptoms of cough and continuous fever, the experienced nurse asked Papa to check take a blood test checking for "mycoplasma". Wow, wonders, the report came out by afternoon, and it is confirmed positive. No dengue, luckily. It seems like mycoplasma pneumoniae is very common and contagious.
With the diagnosis, she got another set of medication, almost double the initial paracetamol and another medication which I had forgotten the name (to control the fever). She recovered in about one week of medication. Phew!
After her bout of illness, somehow it bounced to her classmates... oops....