Took the Penang ferry per children's request as they have not been on a ferry ride for quite some time. It's sunny day. There are only 2 rows of cars waiting for the ferry on this morning.
好晒啊!At the ferry deck for vehicles |
Went up to the passenger floor |
We saw jellyfish from here |
The sea looks quite clean compared to few years ago when we took the ferry. I'm quite surprised as we used to see plastic bags, food packets etc on the sea while the ferry is plying. Either the plastic bags are now biodegradable and degraded in the sea, or some cleaning company had been at work. Also Penang is no plastic bag day everyday, so less plastic bags are used and perhaps the effect is seen now. Also many organisations and companies make and throw EM mudballs to "clean up" the sea as well. Instead of plastic bags, we saw quite a few jellyfishes swam past, and the children are excited to see them.
When we reached Prai, there are 4 rows of cars waiting to go to Penang, double from the other way. Is it because the waiting area at Prai is smaller or more people from Prai going over to Penang? Wanted to visit St Anne Church but voted against it as didn't want the children to get in and out of the car too frequent on this super hot day.
After lunch at the grandparent's house, we went to Carrefour trying our luck to redeem the Milo truck that 弟弟 wanted. Unfortunately we were late as it is too laku and people already sapu all. So went for a short walk around and manage to get 弟弟's Cars pencil case, as present for doing well in his mid-year test.
Then we're off to Nando's Auto City for early dinner. We had the Ramadan set which consists of 2 quarter chicken sets, sausage plate, cake and drinks. The children only enjoyed the sausage and chips, drinks and cake. Next time won't bring them there as we had to finish the main meal and side dished. Even though they like KFC coleslaw they didn't like Nando's coleslaw. Picky picky....
Playing at the fountain at one of the restaurants at Auto City |
There are shops at Auto City now which we're not aware of earlier. Mostly clothes or accessory shops, one pet shop, one toy shop, one bookstore. The decorations below are around the shop area.
She say sitting on ant's house |
Astro was having their karaoke contest there too, but the children are not interested.