At first, it was me feeling tired more than usual, more moody and funny feeling in the abdomen, which I thought is gastric. Of course having delayed period too, but I thought it was due to stress. I couldn't even stay awake to watch my favourite K-drama. Didn't get any check-up as I got similar symptoms before but turned out my period came the day after seeing my gynae. I even thought menopause is coming early for me :p
One night I got stomach cramp, which seemed unusual, and just remembered my period is very late. Got a pregnancy kit and tested positive, but it was not very clear positive line. So I repeated the test the next day, got positive result again. I guess I was still in denial mode, I thought I read somewhere that even having some type of female cancer, we will get positive pregnancy test. I was telling 爸爸, unbelievable as it seems since it had been more than 6 years when 弟弟 was born, I'd rather be pregnant than be sick!
We quickly went to see gynae the next day. The nurse at clinic even told me, if too early stage doctor might not see the embryo yet, so it's possible they might ask me to go for another round of pregnancy test. When it's my turn, as soon as doctor started scanning, he confirmed I'm expecting baby #3! And far along to see the fetus clearly by now. So even though I couldn't recall my last period, the ultrasound detected baby as about 8 weeks.
We have not told the children about the pregnancy yet. When we went home, since the children had to be at 婆婆's house, they keep asking what did the doctor say. 姐姐 even said, I think you're not sick but you are going to have a baby. OMG, how true, so we 'fessed up to them. They are pretty excited and happy to have a little baby at home soon. I attended the last activity at 姐姐's school which is her Hari Penyampaian Hadiah. I couldn't accompany her for her school trip as afraid would be too tiring being out the whole day.
The second doctor's visit, I was recommended by the doctor to go for a more comprehensive check-up at Island Hospital due to my age. Now we know, it's not the father's age that will get doctor's attention for further checks, it's mommy's age. Sigh, it was quite worrying not knowing what to expect.
The 3-month check @12 weeks is scheduled. At Island Hospital, ultrasound is conducted to check baby's growth, and the specialist gynae did some measurements. At first, baby did not flip to the side needed for measurement. I was advised to take a walk, drink milo or have a snack to help wake up the baby :) We had to go in and out of the room so that doctor can do a proper measurement. The doctor also informed us we're expecting a baby boy during her check too.
When the ultrasound is completed, I was sent to the lab to do blood test. Actually, the lab just help to draw the blood, it was sent to a lab in KL for further testing. From the ultrasound, luckily everything is OK, but we need confirmation with the blood test.
I remembered after this check, I started having morning sickness. Maybe it's stress or too tired? Honestly I still cannot believe being pregnant at this age. Also started to get phlegm and cough, thus I slowly passed the baton of sending the children to hobby classes to 爸爸.
It is about a week waiting for blood test result. This was indeed a difficult and stressful waiting time. Fortunately, my report came back as low risk. It didn't matter I had to call to follow-up on the report.
Me at about 15 weeks with #3 |
Me at about 17 weeks with #3 |
In between these important scans of 3 months and 5 months, we had a weeks' vacation in Hong Kong. We had booked the tickets and hotel much earlier before we even knew of #3 pregnancy so off we go with a bump in tow. I had lots of rests sitting while the children and 爸爸 went for rides or further exploring/sight-seeing. The children took very good care of me, rushing to reserve seat for me on the MTR or buses and at the waiting areas. Too bad I don't look very pregnant in my winter clothes so nobody ever gave up any seats for me. Heck, even old men and old ladies were walking faster than I am at the MTR stations. I definitely would not visit Hong Kong if I had known I was pregnant, ok :) Too fast-paced and rushed for tired, pregnant lady with children :P Surprisingly, I did not get morning sickness and no phlegm too, maybe due to the cool weather?
A collection of my photos at about W19 during vacation at Hong Kong |
Another scan called anomaly scan is scheduled for 5-months (@20 weeks). With a big relief, the 20 weeks anomaly scan went smooth and baby is OK.
By now, all the morning sickness, cough and poor appetite is in full force. I cannot eat much due to the queasiness and heartburn. I think it was mostly crackers and milo for me :( I took lots of rests as I got brownish discharge if I am too tired or walked too much. Still, I'm not sure how I went through it all with 爸爸 flying here and there. This year 姐姐 goes to morning school, so I once caused her to be extremely late to school, luckily the teacher is understanding.
To ease the funny feeling in my mouth, I think I took tubs and tubs of sugar-free mints. Not that it helps much, but at least I didn't throw up in school while waiting for 姐姐's morning session to finish. I couldn't help the children take their school bags, so they are now well-trained to handle their own school bag although once 姐姐 fell on the road trying to push such a heavy bag into the car.
Major food craving is mango, I loved anything mango this time. Was a frequent visitor to the nearby Fruuze for their tutti-fruitti fro-yo. Dreaming about mangoes day and night, even visit blogs about the local mango called harumanis :)
As this is baby#3, most baby things are still being kept so we got kind of slack in preparation. Besides, I was really tired all the time and couldn't bear to go to the malls. I pushed 爸爸 to wash all the baby clothes but as usual he selamba saja. Luckily, still manage to get a new Avent breastpump towards end of April.
Couldn't help the children with school work too, as I felt giddy and tired when I try to exercise my brains for school stuff. Now I understand how did 黄蓉's mother got into difficult labour due to stress and tiredness from trying to rewrite 九阴真经. That's why I push all that work to 爸爸, but he is really slack in monitoring their progress.
The baby seem to enjoy listening to the children practising their music, and to 姐姐 practising ballet with the music. However he doesn't seem to enjoy the pop songs I liked.
I couldn't cook as the smell of cooking turns my stomach, so we got catering food from January 2014. Sometimes if the cooking consist of heavy smelling onions or garlic, I have to hold my breath until I have done preparing lunch/dinner for the children.
I, who used to have no major health issues, started getting headaches too, especially towards the evening. Can't tolerate noises too, so the children got major scolding if they are loud and arguing among themselves. Good to say they are learning to be more independent although I feel sorry for them sometimes they don't get to be so pampered now.
Both children were so excited every time they have an opportunity to accompany us for doctor's visit. They enjoy seeing the baby grow on the ultrasound screen. 姐姐 keep saying the baby looks exactly like 弟弟every time she sees the baby's scanning.
Towards the end of third trimester the doctor was saying I put on too little weight. Actually most people I know keep saying I don't look pregnant, ya right, I just put on weight hahahaha :P
All in all, this is not an easy pregnancy, probably due to my advance maternal age. Being tired easily, vomiting most of the time, and trying my best to protect the baby. Keep telling baby to be strong and healthy and come to us in full term.
More photos, mostly in the early trimester. Already posted the photos before but just didn't note down the stage of pregnancy :)
Me at about W22 |
Me at about W25 |
And this one is me pregnant with 弟弟 at about 8 months. 姐姐 is about 2 years old here. |